Ignaz Koegler Research Summer Camp - FAQ
Requirements for the application
Does the applicant have to be a scientist of a university or non-university research facility in Ingolstadt to be allowed applying for a summer camp?
Yes, however, in justified cases, researchers from research companies can participate of the Ignaz Koegler Research Summer Camp in collaboration. The university or non-university research institution remains responsible for administration and conduction of the Research Summer Camp.
Does the summer camp have to be held in German?
No, since international participants are highly appreciated, the events can be held in German or English.
Is double funding possible?
Double funding of the same material costs is not possible. Additional funding from third parties / sponsors is possible and appreciated.
Academic host
Who can be patron of the Ignaz Koegler Research Summer Camp?
Any scientist who works at a university or research facility in Ingolstadt.
Is additional third-party funding possible?
Yes, it is highly appreciated as long as there is no double funding.
Who is eligible as a participant?
All registered students.
Do the participants have to be from Ingolstadt?
No, students from all regions and countries are welcome.
Preparation / Planning
What are the deadlines for submitting the application?
Applications can be submitted until October 15, 2024.
Does the Ignaz Koegler Research Summer Camp need to be realised in Ingolstadt?
The Research Summer Camp should be carried out in Ingolstadt or “Region 10”.
Does the Ignaz Koegler Research Summer camp need to be carried out at once or can it take place on several weekends?
A planned interruption of several days is not intended.
When does the Research Summer Camp need to be realised after approval?
The Research Summer Camp should be realised as planned. Postpones are not intended.
What is the maximum funding?
A maximum of € 24,000 for various allowances in kind, such as free participation including accommodation, meals, accompanying program and travel expenses if necessary.
Is a retrospectively payment for an already conducted Research Summer Camp possible?
No, the approval is required in advance.
Are travel expenses of the participants covered by the scholarship?
Yes, the participants' travel expenses can be covered by the scholarship within the limited budget.
Can external participants bring their families with them?
Yes, the participants are free to do so, however, there is no additional financial support.
Are travel expenses of the lecturers covered by the scholarship?
Yes, the lecturer’s travel expenses can be covered by the scholarship within the limited budget.
When can the Research Summer Camp be realised at the earliest?
After approval of the application.
Selection process
Do you confirm receipt of the application?
Yes, the receipt will be confirmed by email.
May documents be added to the submitted documents?
No, a subsequent submission is not planned.
Will I be informed about the decision date of my application?
A precise decision date cannot be given. Usually, the decision will be published two weeks after the Science Council’s meeting. The next Science Council's meeting will take place on the 3rd of December, 2024.
Who reviews the application?
The Science Foundation of Excellence choose a preselection. The Science Council
takes the final decision based on the preselected applications.
In case of rejection, will I be informed about the reasons?
A detailed justification is not intended.
Is it possible to re-apply after rejection?
Yes, a re-application is possible. However, it is self-evident that is must be significantly improved from the original one.